Sunday, June 24, 2007

let 'em know

they are doing a poll on what you like to do. it took me a minute, but if you put your arrow over the pictures (they're tiny!) a caption at the top tells you what it is. they've got knitting! go, make knitting #1!

i'll be back later


Auntly H said...

That was kind of fun. True to my freak self, my rankings didn't match up with any of the poll's.

Snarled Yarns said...

Did mine!

Michelle said...

I did it! I'm just surprised that napping was really up there and not knitting. LOL

Anonymous said...

random question ... are there still stitch n bitches happening with touche going through it's massive violet-esque revamp? can you pass the word over to me about where they are? i'd like to start going again (if only having gone once before allows me to say "again")!!

Judith said...

I did this one. Fun!

Ina said...

Thanks for the link. I'm amazed and delighted knitting is a choice!

Elizabeth Metz said...

You do realize you haven't updated in something like TWO WEEKS or so, which means your crazy fans are out here wondering if you've blown off your hands with a home-made mortar-shell type fireworks display, right?

Remind me to tell you about the cannon.

Yes, cannon.

Nuff said.