Wednesday, February 06, 2008

is it random wednesday . . .

if there's a theme, even if each thing on it's own is random?


1. i would like to cancel the rest of winter, please. Mother Nature, please note that you've ruined way too many yarn experiences (meetings at the new Personal Threads, cancelling S&B, etc) this season, and it really needs to stop.

2. What logic is there in dashing in front of a moving vehicle that has already started its turn, on a snow-packed street? Seriously. I was turning onto Dodge St downtown, and some young idiot (male, of course, they all think they're bullet proof), decided that, even though i had already started turning onto dodge, and was just mere inches from the crosswalk, that he needed to come running out of the parking garage, and dash in front of me. thank god i was able to stop in time. i don't understand. 175# man versus 4000# vehicle. sigh.

3. I was in Starbucks fetching life juice for eliza, and they were playing "too darn hot." irony, much?

4. Explain to me this logic. Liam was sick last night, to the point of barely eating dinner (and he can absolutely pack it away), and sleeping all afternoon, and night. when he got up to go to the bathroom around 1030, he could barely speak. this morning? eager as a beaver, ready to roll, and telling me he'll throw anybody who tries to stop him from going to school in a snow bank. in the next breath? griping about someone at school who jinxed them getting a snow day. huh? (again, young male logic)(is it testosterone poisoning?)

sensing the theme here? we got about 4" of snow, and i'm sick of it.


Kit said...

I don't know why boys are dumb enough to jump in front of moving cars but I bet that *your* boy was like "Well yeehaw, I don't feel like puking anymore, I feel great! Time for school!"

At least boys are just dumb. Girls are vicious mean, just ask my mom. ;)

Anonymous said...

I sure hope she pays you well! Fetching coffee in a snowstorm ;)

Judith said...

1. I've got to check out the new Personal Threads store!

2. That's why they call it Dodge Street, isn't it?

3. Um......

4. Time for bed!

Cheryl said...

PT - is it open yet, or close to it?

Cheryl said...

Never mind - I just saw your comment on my blog. I shall begin rallying the troops.

Cheryl said...

It's a go. We'll see you Saturday.

Snarled Yarns said...

Hey! just saw you at the New personal threads. NICE, isn't it?
Let me know if you want to help me plan next years fiber show.

Anonymous said...

I'm SO tired of the snow - granted at the moment, I'm driving up to 132nd and Dodge, but soon I'll just be going from Bellevue to 14th & Dodge. Sadly...snow make each commute long and boring.

When does May (and hottish weather) come again?

Anonymous said...

ALL ROADS IN GREY AND BRUCE ARE CLOSED AND CREWS HAVE BEEN PULLED OFF THE ROAD. (quote from the local radio station website). we have about 3-4 feet accumulated already, and it's -14C with a -23C windchill (-25C denotes a blizzard around here so we haven't quite made it, yet, but it's only a matter of time)....darn Colorado Lows... er, Alberta Clippers. ;)

sensing a theme? ;P hmm, you know i can relate to having 3 boys in the house (even if only 2 of them are 'official' chronologically). never mind my father across the street who seems to think he's still 25 some days. i just shake my head.