it's been pointed out to me by certain, ahem,
people, that i haven't posted in 2 weeks. sorry!
i've thought about it. honest i have. i've just been. . . lackluster, i spose. i have been spinning like a madwoman. i got both nightshade & tulip from spunky eclectic as a part of her fiber club. i donated the nightshade to
claudia, for the MS ride prize basket.

i wasn't terribly impressed with this colorway, until i got it in the sun. then all the colors just glowed! the fiber was coopworth, which i've never spun before, but it was a pleasurable spin. i almost decided to keep it, and then decided it would do more good for claudia. let's hope sh e got #1 for next year! considering she set a new goal of $30K and blew right past it to over $40K? i think so. we knitters rock!
then there's this little lovely:
This little lovely is tulip. In roving form, it most definitely made me think of tulips. however, spun up? it's a little different. thanks to miss vi for taking this picture. didn't it turn out just lovely?

it's BFL, which i've never spun before, but it's niiiiiiiiiiiice. i'm keeping this one!
i've also done some knitting & crocheting.these socks, according to
, are at least a size 11, lol. i hope there are mongolians who have big feet. these were knit almost exclusively in the car (stop lights are good for 3 or 4 stitches!), and while waiting for the kids. they're shortrowed toes & heels, done toe up. i had always thought i preferred top down until i found this. i'm a convert! i'll still do top down where appropriate, but i likee!

let's just move on, shall we? i don't know quite what went wrong with this sweater, but it's wearable, so off to mongolia it went.

this hat went to mongolia as well. it's redheart jumbo in bright yellow, and some handspun i got in a secret pal exchange. the handspun was very nice to work with. i had originally started this as single crochet, but it was coming up weird, and funky, and would not lay right, so i switched to half double. and this little beauty popped up. took me one night at S&B, plus a little more time in the morning, and it just FLEW off my hook! good thing, as i needed to mail it in 2 days!

this hat was some mystery blue fuzzy stuff from my charity stash in bulky weight, along with oceanos malabrigo. this hat is tasty. i almost kept it for myself, but the call for adult clothing wore me down, and off to mongolia it went. this one is single crochet, but i think it worked better than the above hat because it was done on a size N hook, while the above was done on an I. i was going to switch to an N, but it went awol on me. sigh.
ok, i'm getting worn out with all this posting, so i'll just vanish for now. i promise i'll be back.
EDIT: i don't know why, but blogger insists on putting a huge space at the end of this post. who knows!
Looks as if you've been busy crating for charity. Hope you're having a great summer.
Wow, you have been busy! Did you love the toe ups? I am teaching myself to do them this weekend.
Your Nightshade is fabulous!!
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