Wednesday, October 05, 2005

we interrupt your regularly scheduled blog . . .

because i have suspended all projects due to having discovered a Mission. one of my coworkers has a son, who is 25, who has non-lymphoma hodgkins disease. last week, she had asked me if i would crochet a nebraska hat for him, since he'd lost so much hair from the chemo, and refused to shave it. she said she'd buy the yarn, and get back to me. i hadn't seen her since. i found out today that he's been sent home, and told he has 2 weeks left. two other coworkers are going to cook up a bunch of stuff friday night, and take it to her house saturday. i've decided to go ahead and make the hat. on my own. this isn't fair. he's so young! he has a baby! it's not right. (yes, i'm crying). so i'm doing this to say "i wish i could do more, i wish i could help more." she's a wonderful woman, and does not deserve to watch her child go by inches. he and his girlfriend (the baby's mother) are getting married tomorrow. what should be a happy occasion is going to be so bittersweet. if i have time, i'm going to make a hat for the baby as well.

it's not fair.


Saun said...

Keep your head up. Life can suck sometimes but she will appreciate you being there and he will appreciate it too. The hat will definitely be a bright spot.

Anonymous said...

Life is very seldom fair and it seems to be true what they say about only the good dying young.
We lost a good friend this year and she died by inches, it took months, and she just wasted away befoe our eyes. horrible though it is to say this, hopefully it will be relatively quick and painless for both him and those left behind. Sometimes life really sucks doesn't it!

mamaloo said...

I'm so sorry. For him, for his mama, for his baby and now wife. I'm sorry for you, who, as any mother, experiences the loss of another's child as if it were one of your own. May the family endeavour to laugh as much as possible and love forever.